
Showing posts from May, 2020

A Life of Regrets

This song! Listen before you read! I was riding in the car the other day and as soon as it came on I started to skip it but allowed it to play.  It’s one of those songs that when you hear it, it automatically sends chills over your body and takes you back to a specific time of your life.  It was my go to song during, hands down, what was the lowest point of my life. Every 👏🏼 single 👏🏼 word 👏🏼 resonates within my soul.  It was around this time two years ago that a bad situation turned worse and my downward spiral started to move full speed ahead.  I had zero control of my life and I reached a point where I literally stared death in the face three times.  It was a horrible time and I remember the physical pain like it was yesterday.   I often find myself feeling shameful, not for where I am today, but where I have been.  Wondering if I'd have made better choices, in life and love, where I would be today.  Angry because those choices held me ba...