Tin Man

I've been sitting here...starring at the screen...not even knowing where to begin, or even if I should. It's been 6 months since I have been here. Reading my last blog, I remember exactly where I was sitting when I wrote it, and remember thinking how bad it was then. If only I knew what was coming. Sometimes I feel like I am not entitled to what my heart feels. There are so many more people worse off than I, so really what right do I have to air it out. But this is my blog. My screen. And...well...it is my heart. So here goes.... Many of you think you know me. Know my story. Know who I am. What I stand for. Some of you really may. And some of you have absolutely no idea at all. I try to keep my personal life private for the most part. Try to refrain from the world knowing what goes on inside my four walls. Use my social media as my brag board for my daughter, to keep in touch with fam...