A Letter to me from me...

Dear Self,

You’ve stood before others and made vows that you truly believed in, and you stood by those promises. You held up your end of the deal to those who could not love you the way you loved them, so now it’s time for you to make some vows to yourself. You feel in extremes and I know you don’t remember what it feels like not to be broken. But it’s time for you to dedicate all that time and energy you invested in others into yourself. It’s time you learned to love yourself the same as you have loved others.  

No more getting worked up over things or people that you cannot change. You have tried, and you have tried with all your heart. You know you cannot help people whom do not want to be helped just like you cannot love those that do not want your love. Accept it and move on. Control what you can. Let go of what you cannot. It is what it is. You always say this...now it’s time for you to believe it. 

You were once so strong. You allowed one to break down your wall, allowed them to change who you were. Don’t do that again. Do not trust. Refuse to let anyone hurt you again. Refuse to let anyone have that kind of control over your heart again. Stand strong. Stand steady. Get that girl back and don’t let her go again. All you need is you...and don’t you forget it.

Don’t make space for people that don’t deserve to be in your life. Don’t beg for people to be in it. It’s their loss, not yours. Use that space for those who want to be there. You are better than begging anyone for anything. Respect yourself enough to be treated better than that, watch them walk away, and whatever you do...don’t chase them. Forgive them all for the sake of your own heart and bid them farewell.

Don’t ever question your strength after enduring what you have endured this past year. You made it. You are a survivor of your darkest hours, of your lowest lows, of your hardest times. You are a warrior, and you continued when you didn’t want to. You have nothing left to prove, to yourself or anyone else. Marvel at your life...at the grief that has soften you, at the heartache that made you wiser, and the suffering that has strengthened you so.  

What's done is done...what's said has been said. Take the lessons from the bad, the pride from the good, continue to focus on what's really important, and leave behind what is not. Close the book on this chapter, seal it, and don’t open it again. May the coming year be filled with good health and more hope than you’ve ever known. May your problems be few and your blessings many. A new year...a new beginning! 2018 will be your selfish year...your year for you to invest in you. Pray, work, and have faith. A Phoenix in transformation...and you are rising from the ashes. 


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