Can beauty come out of ashes?

Ever hear one of those songs that you can’t stop listening to? You keep putting it on repeat and it takes you somewhere you don’t want to leave.

I found one of those a few days ago and it could not explain me more. It’s a prayer that I pray consistently, yet in a song. It makes the tears well up in my eyes, I lose my breath, I drown in my own tears and it makes my heart ache in a familiar way that I hate. So why can’t I stop listening to it?

When I try and look back over the past 20 years of my life the good times are so clouded by the hurt that I can’t even see it. The pain has changed who I am; some for the good, and some for the not so good. I used to be a firm believer in “Things Happen For A Reason”, but not so much anymore. Some people are born to love and I know that the intensity in which I love someone is not something that can be found very often, if even at all. It’s one of my best and worst traits.

Others are born to hurt. Even when they have been hurt themselves along the way they continue to hurt others the same way, or worse. Maybe it’s all they know, but that doesn’t make it right. At some point one has to stop making excuses for being a shitty person and instead of trying to change others, change themselves. It’s like an addiction, only hurting people is their drug, and blaming others is their way out. You can’t help those kind of people until they decide to help themselves.

Can beauty come out of ashes? God I hope so. Because life can’t hurt this bad! It can’t rain forever. Brokenness does end doesn’t it? One day I hope to be able to wake up and not have to look in the mirror and tell myself not to cry today. I hope that one day that the fire that has burned within my soul can be put out with the tears I cry. Until then...I will keep fighting to rise from the ashes of my life.


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